Study through the book of acts chapter 2

Study acts 2 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Bible study of acts join us for an inspiring study on the. This seminarylevel study also retains its depth and uses an engaging interactive format. Acts 2, new international version niv the bible app. The book of acts provides a bridge for the writings of the nt. Pentecost was the birthday of the lords church acts 1. Acts 3 niv peter heals a lame beggar bible gateway. Click chart to enlarge charts from jensens survey of the nt used by permission another chart from charles swindoll another chart on acts.

Luke wrote his gospel and also the book of acts compare luke 1. This feast was reckoned from the sixteenth day of the month abib, or april, or the. Through the prophets the lord prepared the way for the spirits coming. Our story starts off where the gospel of luke left offjesus is back now that hes resurrected, jesus decides to hang out and chat with his disciples whom luke calls apostles for forty days. The descent of the holy spirit at the day of pentecost. Previous index next acts of the apostles chapter two objectives in studying this chapter 1 to carefully consider the events surrounding the outpouring of the spirit on the day of pentecost 2 to examine peters first gospel sermon, and the evidence presented in it for the resurrection of jesus christ 3 to observe the response to the sermon, and what people were told to do in order. Study guide for acts 2 by david guzik blue letter bible.

Acts of the apostles chapter two objectives in studying this chapter 1 to carefully consider the events surrounding the outpouring of the spirit on the day of pentecost 2 to examine peters first gospel sermon, and the evidence presented in it for the resurrection of jesus christ 3 to observe the response to the sermon, and what. On the day of pentecost, as they were all with one accord in one place, what kind of sound from heaven did they hear. Acts 3 new international version niv peter heals a lame beggar. Study 1 going through the book of acts words of life. The initial experience of the filling of the holy spirit.

Acts study noteschapter 1 watchtower online library. It was the day on which the holy spirit made a unique visit to the earth. Acts 2 indepth versebyverse commentary and bible study of acts chapter 2 in plain english. Local congregational bible study on the book of acts. In other words, you do not join the church, salvation makes you a member. In 1 thessalonians chapter 4, we read that we christians have hope of the resurrection, because jesus rose again. Acts of the apostles chapter 2 mobile focus on campus. May he bless you as you witness the truth, the grace and the power with which he launched and continues to love his church. Pentecost means fiftieth and refers to the feast of weeks exodus 34. It stretched across what are iraq, kuwait and eastern syria today. Welcome to ivy baptist churchs bible study on demand before beginning this study, please take an opportunity to download the worksheet for. At least peter had no difficulty in explaining what had happened. Study 1 going through the book of acts words of life ministries.

A full chapter by chapter study would take more than six months, so feel free to select from our available lessons below. Acts chapter 2 explained discover the 66 books of the bible. The book of acts, sometimes called the fifth gospel, is a continuation of the gospel of luke. Book of acts versebyverse bible study and indepth commentary of the acts of the apostles in plain english for everyone to understand. Acts of the apostles chapter 2 bible study duration. Acts 1 in the first book, o theophilus, i have dealt. Therefore many verses do not yet have notes, but if the lord tarries and gives me breath. Studies in acts chapters 1 3 by francis dixon study verses. Acts chapter 2 questions for discussion the living.

This was the feast of redemption, reflecting upon israels deliverance from her bondage in egypt. In 1st john chapter 4, and as we study the book of acts, we will be dealing with a lot of this, and i do not ascribe to. Acts 3 niv peter heals a lame beggar one day bible gateway. Each week we hope to cover one or more chapters of the book until we have covered the entire book of acts. Among the jews it was applied to one of their three great feasts which began on the fiftieth day after the passover. In many ways acts is the most exciting book in the new testament because it is full of movement and interest. This great chapter in the bible is one of the most studied, most taught, and often times the most wrongly taught. This study is indepth but uses easytounderstand english and a question and answer format that will engage you. Like every other chapter, our study of acts 9 focuses not on men or women but on the power of the holy spirit. William neil, the acts of the apostles,the new century bible commentary grand. Acts 1 niv jesus taken up into heaven bible gateway.

I have never had any formal bible training at a seminary or bible school. He said, this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel acts 2. Bible study a walk through the book of acts chapter 2. Peter instructs them to be baptized so that their sins may be forgiven, and through this baptism they too will receive the gift of the holy spirit acts 2. What day came where the disciples were all with one accord in one place. While most of the men mentioned were jews a few were gentile proselytes, they are representative of the nations that the lord wants to reach. As i studied this portion of acts, i wondered at first why luke goes through this long, somewhat tedious list of nations 2. Acts 2 background information with maps and images picture. Luke is the writer, as he states in his introduction v. How can we build the habit of being open to the holy spirit.

Acts 2 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is actually 30minute audio files that takes listeners through the entire bible in 5 years. It is correct to say that the same reaching out through faith that make you part of christ, also makes you part of christs church see acts 2. The holy spirit came on this day as the firstfruits of the believers inheritance 2 cor. Commentary on the book of acts bible study lessons. This incident is referred to as the birth of the church the holy spirit working in the life of the believers to fulfil the will of god on earth. The events of this chapter begin as the 12 apostles 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This is an interactive, versebyverse bible study and commentary of the acts of the apostles the book of acts or simply acts, which is the fifth book in the new testament of the bible. Im not sure exactly which sunday marching into january, but we will do that. Acts chapter 2 is the beginning of many great things.

Acts of the apostles summary shmoop test prep, study. Version nkjv new king james version rsv revised standard version. Study of acts discussion notes chapter 5 introduction our study of the book of acts has been very exciting. It always thrills us when folks write or call and tell us they are learning. Pastor charles curtiss of the one church is presently engaged in a careful walk through the biblical book of the acts of the apostles. Study of the book of acts chapter 2 ivy baptist church. But it is especially hard to imagine how god could turn the angry heart of saul to believe in jesus christ. The book is a continuation of the gospel written by luke. He starts east of israel and ends up encircling the land. Remember this is a jewish feast day that is being celebrated. When the day of pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. This verse by verse commentary page is part of an ongoing project to add notes to each verse of the bible. Learn bible quiz chapter 2 acts with free interactive flashcards.

Acts 1 new international version niv jesus taken up into heaven. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. We all need to answer biblically, in light of the context, what is the meaning of pentecost. In the first four chapters we have seen god introduce the holy spirit, empowering the disciples and opening the hearts of people. Acts 1 niv jesus taken up into heaven in my bible gateway. These studies will be expository, devotional, practical and varied, and this is an introduction to the whole book.

The essence of chapter 2 is the gift of the holy ghost to enable us as witnesses, yet many today deny its existence and power, it is the promise jesus made when he promised to pray the father for another to also give us power even miracles for witness and glory to gods power today in the church. This web page contains lesson plans for a multiweek study of your choice. Choose from 500 different sets of bible quiz chapter 2 acts flashcards on quizlet. Sir william ramsay, after making a critical study of lukes writings, declared that luke was the greatest historian, ancient or modern.

We can see significant similarities between the day of pentecost and birth of christ. Acts 2 the holy spirit is poured out on the church a. Acts 2 when the day of pentecost arrived, they were all. Perhaps the best known prophecy that prepared hearts for pentecost is to be found in joel 2. When the day of pentecost came, they were all together in one place. We will after the first of the year actually begin a verse by verse study of the book of acts. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

As a second volume to lukes gospel, it joins what jesus began to do and to teach 1. Falling on the fiftieth day after passover, this jewish wheat harvest festival was. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 1 part 1 book 17 acts chapter 1. The book of acts, above all else, is a story about the churchand what a story it is. The day of pentecost being arrived, and the disciples assembled, the holy spirit descended as a mighty rushing wind, and in the likeness of fiery tongues sat upon them. Subsequent to pentecost, there are four communities of believers in the book of acts chapters 2, 8, 10 and 19.

This segment covers the first 23 verses of acts chapter 2. Several of the quotes within the passage occur throughout the book of acts. The first in order of the feasts was the passover verses 4, 5. The acts of the apostles may be a misnomer since what is recorded are the acts of the holy spirit through his human vessels, including the apostles, for the glory of god. Acts chapter 2 barnes notes on the new testament on. Acts chapters 3, 4, 5 part 2 les feldick bible study. A chapterbychapter bible study of the book of acts 2 acts the beautiful, amazing, powerful, weak, dysfunctional church table of contents scripture passage page 1. Jan 16, 20 study of the book of acts chapter 2 ivy baptist church. Turn to acts chapter 1 and we will start where we left off last lesson.